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Stay true! Create your own way

Brooke Terrabrio loves how rewarding grooming can be, but recognizes that it is easy to get caught up in what other people are doing. Her recommendation to other groomers is to stop comparing yourself to others, learn at your own pace, and embrace your own style. It allows you to enjoy your creativity and to share it with the world without getting caught up in the game of expectations.


"I spent three years doing volunteer grooming for local rescues. Seeing those dogs go from overlooked, dirty dogs to adorable family members, and getting to continue to groom them throughout their lives, has been rewarding."


Oakley, CA

Danielle’s Story

Danielle Javier takes her job as a groomer seriously. She sees every cut and groom as an opportunity to grow and hone her craft. Danielle is always learning and open to the suggestions and criticism of her peers, in order to deliver her best work to the client. Danielle takes pride in teaching her clients new skills or alerting them to potential dangers regarding their pets health. This is when she feels her best, and knows her work is making a difference!

Chicago, IL

Darius’s Story

When Darius left the salon that taught him his craft, there was a sense of sadness and finality he couldn't shake. But, Darius knew that if you never take risk, you'll never know the rewards. Now an Andis groomer, Darius puts what he learned to the test every day, and becomes a better, more well-rounded groomer. Darius takes inspiration from other groomers, especially Asian groomers, who inspire him to keep growing and evolving, only further fueling his passion for grooming!

Scranton , PA

Juanita’s Story

Juanita Harris meets challenges head-on. Losing her job just days after finding out she was pregnant for the first time, Juanita persisted through the difficult and emotional time. It proved to be a minor setback for a big comeback. Since then, she has built a ten-year grooming career, finding purpose, inspiration and community through give-back charity grooming tours.
